Since human beings entering the modern era, risks have become parts of the very fabric of the society, either social, cultural, economy or political; they hit them entirely and continuously. The risks of the pandemic Covid-19 – hit the world in 2020 – have brought in a real jeopardy; new crises, new problems, new challenges that have radically changed ways of living of human beings in all continents and in all aspects of their daily activities. The issue of sustainability as the core principle to govern the today society – social, cultural, political and education – has been more prominent yet faced more difficult and unprecedented challenges. The academic conference addresses the issue of sustainability of social, education and political values, traditions and activities pursued by human beings in their daily life as now have been entirely affected by the pandemic. On the one hand, there is an inherent risk of the modern living, the vulnerability of human being and the power of nature that must be not only understood and learnt but also institutionalized and structured in various arena of social life of the people. On the other hand, there has been a tremendous change on the ways the social features of human living – from simple informal meeting/gathering of neighborhoods to daily shopping, formal working at the office/home, school teachings, professional football matches, elections and government/state ceremonies – being re-defined, reconstructed and carried out with online/virtual media. This new social fabric – thank to the Internet! – will eventually re-shape all established social institutions – states/government bodies, private companies, churches/religious organizations, schools/universities and so forth – on their approaches and serve the populace as well as their adaptation and change to survive and sustain.





  • Sub-Theme  

    1. Social Science and Humanities
      • Geography
      • Economy
      • Historical Studies
      • Civics
      • Sociology
      • Public Administration
      • Communication
      • Politics and Political Science
      • Art and Humanity
      • Sustainable Development
      • Civil Society
      • Globalization Impacts
      • Urban and Regional Planning
    2. Education
      • Teaching and Learning
      • Elementary Education
      • Higher Education
      • Learning Innovation
      • Curriculum, Research, and Development
      • Non-Formal Education
      • Literary and Smart Education
      • Information and Communication Technology in Education
      • Educational Measurement and Evaluation
      • Vocational Education
    3. Social Studies
      • Social Science Education
      • Humanities Education
      • Social and Community Studies
      • Civic and Political Studies
      • Cultural Studies
      • Global Studies
      • Environmental Studies
      • Ethic Studies/International Studies


Emma Sabzalieva, Ph.D
University of Toronto, Canada
UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and The Caribbean

Sulfikar Amir, Ph.D
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Muhammad Yuanda Zara, Ph.D
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Important Dates


Full Paper Submission Deadline 24 October, 2021
Full paper Acceptance Notification 26 October, 2021
Registration Deadline 24 October, 2021 
Submission of PPT for Presentation 27 October, 2021 
Conference Date 29 October, 2021 

Paper Submission


PUBLICATION : Proceedings of the 5th ICSSED 2021 of Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta will be published in Proceeding of International Conference, indexing by DOAJ, Google Scholar, CrossRef.



  • Dr. Suhadi Purwantara, M.Si (Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta)
Steering Commitee
  • Dr. Dyah Kumalasari, M.Pd (Vice Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta)
  • Prof. Dr. Suranto, M.Pd., M.Si (Vice Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta)
  • Dr. Supardi, M.Pd. (Vice Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta)


  • Amika Wardana, Ph.D
Vice Chair
  • Dr. Nurul Khotimah, M.Si
  • Alifi Nur Prasetia Nugroho, M.Pd
  • Mudaqir, M.M
  • Sukamto, S.Sos
  • Suyud, S.Pd.
Editorial Board:
  • Prof. Dr. Wiel Veugelers (University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Scopus ID:1575223320)
  • Ryogo Abe, P.hD (Aichi University of Education, Jepang, Scopus ID:57214219997)
  • Adrian Vickers (University of Sydney, Australia. Scopus ID:26968036400)
  • Mohd Nor Shahizan Ali (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Scopus ID:55158830000)
  • Dr. Suhaimi (Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia)
  • Dr. Hanizah Binti Idris (University of Malaya, Malaysia)
  • Dr. Norazlan Hadi Yacoob (Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia. Scopus ID:55983525200)
  • Dr. Fitrawaty (Universitas Negeri Medan. Scopus ID: 57191865130)
  • Dr. Luqman Hakim, S.Pd., M.Si (Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Scopus ID: 57204062135)
  • Rosmini Maru, P.hD (Universitas Negeri Makassar, Scopus ID: 56669628200)
  • Dr. Hanafi Bin Hussin (Universitas of Malaya, Malaysia. Scopus ID: 57193666690)
  • Prof. Dr. Ajat Sudrajat, M.Ag (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Scopus ID: 75191247465)
  • Prof. Dr. Suranto, M.Pd., M.Si (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Scopus ID: 57205219982)
  • Prof. Dr. Mukminan (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Scopus ID: 57204920476)
  • Amika Wardana, P.hD (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Scopus ID: 57205295162)
  • Adi Cilik Pierewan, P.hD (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Scopus ID: 55964444200)
Organizing Committee:
  • Mudaqir, M.M
  • Danu Eko Agustinova, M.Pd
  • Eko Prasetyo Nugroho S, M.I.Kom
  • Yumi Hartati, M.Pd
  • Sutanto Trijuni Putro, M.Sc
  • Benni Setiawan, M.S.I
  • Dr. Nursida Arif, M.Sc
  • Hardian Wahyu Widianto, M.P.A
  • Datu Jatmiko, M.A
  • Kurnia Nur Fitriana, M.A
  • Kuncoro Hadi, M.A
  • Awanis Akalili, M.A
  • Annisa Istiqomah, M.Pd
  • Sukamto, S.Sos
  • Nur Laily Tri Wulansari, S.I.Kom
  • Nainta Agustanta, S.E


Registration fee

Presenter IDR 400.000
Co-Presenter IDR 200.000
Participant IDR 100.000


Terms and conditions

  1. The registration fee covers seminar materials, certificate and ISBN proceeding publication
  2. The registration fee covers one participant only. The registration fee for the second, third and so on author is 50% of the main author registration fee.
  3. Participants are responsible for transfer fees and bank charges.
  4. At least one author for each accepted paper must register.
  5. The authors for selected and presented papers will be charged additional fee for publication and review in a conference proceeding indexed by Scopus or Web of Science


  1. Payments are only available by Bank Transfer to the following account (transfer fee must be paid the sender):
  • Account name     : International Conference of Social Sciences and Education (ICSSED)
  • Bank                         : BNI
  • Account No.             : 0821564420
  • Swift Code               : BNINIDJAUGM
  1. After completion of registration process, participants are required to upload the proof of payment in the registration system.






Peer Review Process

The following steps will be followed for all papers selected for publication in Atlantis Press

  1. The desk editor of the 5th ICSSED will evaluate the abstracts. The number of words in the title and inside the abstract, the general organization of the abstract, and the relevance to the conference theme are all considered at this stage.
  2. The selected abstract will be posted on the web, and the participant will be required to submit the full paper on time, using the conference template.
  3. Once, the first round of peer review is completed, the whole paper will be assigned to reviewers with relevant expertise. The review process will be guided by our conference paper reviewer guideline, which will cover the following topics: the paper's structure, content, and linguistic accuracy, as well as the paper's completeness (i.e., tables, figures, and reference list).



5th International Conference of Social Science and Education

            October 29, 2021                   
Time (GMT+7) Activities PIC Duration
 07.00 - 07.30 Registration Secretary 30'
07.30 - 07.35 Welcome and Introduction MC 5'
07.35 - 07.40 National Anthem MC 5'
07.40 - 07.50 Opening (Dean of FIS UNY) Dr. Suhadi Purwantara, M.Si 10'
07.50 - 08.05 Opening (Rector of UNY) Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes 15'
08.05 - 08.55
Plenary Session I Discussion
(Keynote Speaker 1)
Emma Sabzalieva, Ph.D 30'+20'
08.55 - 10.35
Plenary Session II Discussion
(Keynote Speaker 2 & 3)
Sulfikar Amir, Ph.D
Muhammad Yuanda Zara, Ph.D
10.35 - 10.45 Parallel Session Info & Closing MC 10'
13.30 - 16.30
Parallel Session 
Group A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H
Commitee 180'



Time & Venue





Jl. Colombo No.1, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281

click here for the map




Faculty of Social Sciences, Yogyakarta State University
Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Phone +62 274 5011584
Hotline: +62 821 3672 7045

  Contact Person:

Sari        : +62 811 9990 303 
Dama     : +62 812 2827 575